2014 NSS Roadmap to Space Settlement Student Art Contest: Arcturus Space Settlement

Gallery for NSS Roadmap to Space Settlement Student Art Contest 2014

cionca arcturus space settlement

* All art on these pages is copyrighted by the individual artists and may not be used without the artist’s specific permission.

Arcturus Space Settlement

by Bogdan Alexandru Cionca
11th Grade, Bucharest, Romania

Illustrating Roadmap Milestone 19

Description: This submission represents our view of the construction of a space settlement, as explained in the Arcturus Space Settlement submission to the 2014 NASA Space Settlement Design Competition. This picture illustrates one of the final construction stages of our project. Robots are assembling together pieces of the last torus. This will take place in the Moon’s vicinity due to the high amount of available resources and lower costs.

Medium/Tools Used: I used Autodesk 3DS Max for the 3D representation of the settlement and Adobe Photoshop to insert the Moon and create the star background.

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