2014 NSS Roadmap to Space Settlement Student Art Contest: Asteroid Mining near Mars

Gallery for NSS Roadmap to Space Settlement Student Art Contest 2014

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Asteroid Mining near Mars

by Aleksandra Voinea
12th Grade, Bucharest, Romania

Illustrating Roadmap Milestone 18

Description: Neo Martian Settlement is an asteroid mining space settlement near Mars, focused on industrialization, business with Earth, and asteroid mining in order to sustain itself. Asteroid mining is a vital part of space exploration. It is my belief that by 2020, one of the richest asteroids in space, 3554 Amun, will be exploited.

Medium/Tools Used: I used Autodesk 3ds Max for modeling Neo and the asteroid, with Greeble as a modifier as well as numerous environment effects. Finally, I used Photoshop for the final corrections.

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