by Michael A. G. Michaud
Copyright 1986 by Praeger Publishers and reproduced with permission of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., Westport, CT. Read complete book here or buy from Amazon.
- Frontispiece
- Figure: NASA Appropriations and Space Interest Group Formation
- Foreword by Joseph P. Allen
- Preface
- List of Acronyms
- Notes
Chapter 1. The Space Dream: Realized, Threatened
Chapter 2. Conventional Responses
Chapter 3. The Beginnings of the New Space Movement
- Introduction
- The Ship of Fools
- Educating the Public
- Looking Toward the Future
- The First Pro-Space Citizens Groups
- Subversive Ideas
- Notes
- Introduction
- Out of Frustration
- O’Neill’s Vision
- The New Synthesis
- The Impact of O’Neill
- Legislating the High Frontier
- The Solar Power Satellite Fight
- The Space Studies Institute
- The Institute for the Social Science Study of Space
- Summing Up
- Notes
Chapter 6. The New Demographics of Space
- Introduction
- Trends
- Post-Shuttle Polls
- Categorizing the Public
- Priorities
- Space, Defense, and Science
- Correlating Knowledge and Attitudes
- What Do People Like about Space?
- Profiles of the Pro-Space Person
- Space Interest Group Profiles
- Pro-Space Geography
- The NASA Contract Factor
- The Baby Boom and Pro-Space Attitudes
- Other Evidence
- Political Characteristics
- Political Implications
- The Potential Pro-Space Constituency
- Notes
Chapter 7. Science Fiction, Science Fact, and Space
- Introduction
- Science Fiction: The Endless Journey
- Space Artists
- The Popularization of Science
- Fiction, Popularization, and the Space Movement
- Notes
Chapter 8. The Space Group Boom
- Introduction
- The Bell Surveys
- Types of Groups
- The California Phenomenon
- Fragmentation
- Attempts at Coalition
- Notes
Chapter 9. Organizing for Politics
- Introduction
- Beginnings
- The Campaign for Space
- Campaigning for the Presidency: Early Efforts
- After the 1980 Election: A Turn to the Right?
- The Citizens Advisory Council
- The American Space Foundation
- Organizing Congress
- The Staff Group
- The Caucus
- Spacepac
- The 1984 Campaign
- The Transmission Belt
- Notes
Chapter 10. Scientists, Citizens, and Space
- Introduction
- The Unveiling
- Institutional Lobbying
- Universities Space Research Association
- A Shrinking Pie
- The Exploration of the Planets, Interrupted
- The Space Telescope
- Carter and Planetary Exploration
- The Solar System Exploration Committee
- The Trauma of 1981
- The Division of Planetary Sciences and the New Activism
- The Space Science Working Group
- The Planetary Society
- Successes and Failures
- Notes
- Introduction
- The Military Detour
- The New High Ground
- Defense Against Missiles
- High Frontier
- The Arms Control Response
- The New Military Detour
- Notes
Chapter 12. Space Commercialization and the New Entrepreneurs
- Introduction
- The First Commercialization
- Direct Broadcast Satellites
- Privatizing LANDSAT
- Commercial Launch Vehicles
- Space Manufacturing
- Space Commercialization Gathers Momentum
- The Future of Space Commercialization
- Notes
Chapter 13. The Space Station Decision
- Introduction
- A Long History
- Citizens Respond
- The Successful Campaign
- The Year of Decision
- Post-Decision Lobbying
- Summation
- Notes
- Introduction
- Causes
- The State of the Movement in 1984
- Is This a Social Movement?
- What Kinds of Interest Groups?
- Has It Made a Difference?
- Other Roles
- The Second Spaceflight Revolution
- Fault Lines
- The Hidden Agenda
- The Underground Lives
- Notes